Friday, September 24, 2010

Rotoball Conceptualized !

A ball gets passed to you as you are jumping in puddles outdoors.   You catch it, and it transform into butterflies as you catch them. It transforms back when I catch them all in a net and gets passed on to the next person.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Barbara Kruger Style Picture

What I like.
The elements I like about this is firstly, the direction of the words. In my opinion, the direction makes the eye travel across the picture better than if they had been solely in a horizontal line across the edges like I was originally going to do or being choppy or sporatic across the page. I also like how the word "ghosts" is highlighted by there being no box around the word and the letters are a different colour.

What I dislike.
The elements I dilike in this photo are how the black and white took away alot of the feeling for me in the original picture. I also dislike that the word "prisoner" makes my eye kind of stop in the middle of the image. If there was a way to keep the direction of the words but not making my eye hesitate on "prisoner" then I would like the picture much better.

The message.
The message I am trying to express with this image and these words is that when somone is abused by a family member or a romantic partner at a relatively young age, the horrors stay with you as you grow up, no matter if much better things have happened to you since then. You are literally haunted by your past and it affects your life.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Barbara Kruger

What do you see in this piece of art (describe it)?
I see two empty, expensive shoes.

 What kind of message is the artist giving in this piece of art?
The message in this picture is that how much money you had during your life doesn't matter after your death.

 Do you like or dislike Kruger’s work? Why?
I like Barbara Kruger's work because it gives a specific, outright message. I also like the images because they are a little random but also give the words much more meaning.

Monday, September 20, 2010

My Alter Ego

What I like about this picture is the softness to it. I like that I used two pictures of myself (the photo booth pictures of me, Rebecca and my boyfriend, and the picture of my boyfriend and I in the sky). I also liked background picture I used. Somewhere like that would be my ultimate happy place.

What I find least successful about this picture is how, there is no other way to put it, boring it is. I also don't think that it accurately described my Alter Ego as completely as I would have liked. 

If I could redo this project, I would add more photos to the picture. I would take my already written Alter Ego guidelines into account while making the picture and I would also give myself more time to work on it. I will also consider not starting over so many times..

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Exploring my Alter Ego

What are five interesting things that most people don't know about you?
The first thing that few people know about me is I am a bit shy. Also, I am quite terrified of the dark. Another thing is that I am a hopeless romantic and I love all that "mushy-gushy nonsense" that you see in romance movies. My favorite way to spend my time is to be sitting outside in the summer on my porch, during a thunderstorm because I think the power of summer storms is quite beautiful. And my last thing that not many people know is that my only real goal for the future is that I want to be a mother.

What are three things that your friends would say about your personality?  What are the opposite to these things?
Three things that my friends would say about my personality is that, for one, I am very sarcastic all the time. Also, ask any of my friends and they will tell you that I am very outgoing and love talking to and meeting new people. The last thing I believe my friends would say is that I love nature and being outdoors. The opposites to sarcastic, outgoing, and creative would be upfront, introverted, and be an indoors kind of person.

What are your five biggest goals/dreams for your future (they don’t have to be totally realistic)?
My first and number one goal, as I mentioned above, is to be a mother. The second is more in the near future; I want to get into the University of Western Ontario to study Art Therapy in two years. The third is for after I graduate with a degree, I want to eventually have my own Art Therapy practice. Goal number four is I want to go on a three month trip to Europe to explore. My fifth and last dream is to someday settle down in a big brick house in the country side with a fire place and lots of windows.

My alter ego would be tranquil, shy and be a mother. My alter ego would like watching romance movies, want to travel the world, and love sitting by a window, watching a summer thunderstorm or relaxing on a quiet beach.