Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Pan's Labyrinth ♥

1) What are three things that can make the movie be considered as an ART movie?
Pan's Labyrinth can be considered an art movie because it isn't directed at a broad audiance like most Hollywood movies are. It leaves more parts of the movie open to questioning while Hollywood movies are for the most part straightforward and understood. It was also very honest while mainstream movies would hide or ignore more gruesome or ugly facts about the time period or place.

2) How is this movie perhaps more creative than most mainstream movies?
This movie is perhaps more creative in my opinion because it uses characters and honesty that mainstream movies might not expand on. For example, the creature in the second task with the eyes on his hands was not something you would necessarly see in a mainstream movie.

3) Did you like or dislike this movie overall? Please fully explain your opinion.
I very much enjoyed this movie. I loved the honesty and the sincerity that was used to show the way it was in the war. I also loved the fantasy side of the movie because that is the type of movies I enjoy. Like being in a different world.

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